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tol4o 08-10-2008 05:48 AM

Who do you support for president?
Just curious who the 318ti community supports for president
If you'd like you can explain why

Mallard 08-10-2008 08:10 AM

As a non Us citizen, who is poulty fed on sterilized TV broadcasts allowed airtime...

I think Barak seems the most "consistent" and definately the more focused.

And its about time there was a serious establishment shake-up on Liberty hill imo..

BobbyDigital 08-10-2008 02:09 PM

How about none of the above?

larryn 08-10-2008 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by BobbyDigital (Post 188380)
How about none of the above?

^^ +1 I hate voting for the lesser of two evils every freaking election. There needs to be a sharp overhaul on campaign finance reform. He/she who has the $$ gets on the ticket. The electoral college system works to some extent, but my State's (MA) choice is already predetermined due to the very disproportionate red/blue ratio. It would be nice to have an actual popular vote election. (and I'm not talking about wanting Hillary in office either.. I'm talking in general).

golfn4gold 08-10-2008 02:50 PM

As a US citizen, Since all the europe loved him_ barrak obama maybe the muslim should run for president in France.

drrty byl 08-10-2008 03:18 PM

Bob Barr, the Libertarian presidential candidate.


As far as the poll is concerned: I don't care for systems that define political decision as a choice between exactly two party puppets :eek:

tiFreak 08-10-2008 04:44 PM

I'm not even registered :biggrin:

Ji Money 08-10-2008 05:14 PM

My vote would have been Ron Paul but he quit the race, which is suspicious in my opinion after taking in so much money from supporters.

I'm not gonna vote but I'd rather have Barak win than McCain. John McCain said I hate the g00ks so I hate his @ss too.

Ji Money 08-10-2008 05:19 PM

I'd like to add that it really shouldn't matter who wins as slong as they uphold the Constitution. As a Constitutional Republic, certain rights are garaunteed no matter what the majority says.

Sadly, people don't give a f#ck about the Constitution no more as long as their Budweisers are cold and the Cheese Doodles are plenty.

1996 328ti 08-10-2008 06:10 PM

Discuss, disagree but keep it friendly.

Ji Money 08-10-2008 06:25 PM

Yes sir, will do. I was just saying why I don't support McCain, but you won't hear that kind of language from me again on this thread.

DaedHead8 08-10-2008 06:48 PM

I read that John McCain can't work a computer and is taking classes to change that. I feel that there are some jobs where a basic understanding of computer technology is a must. The Presidency of the United States is one of those jobs IMO. Therefore I'm voting for Obama.

gonzeno 08-10-2008 06:58 PM

Obama has the youth, McCain has the expierance! I'll take expierance over youth any day! U.S. has had a policy of NEVER negotiating with terrorists, standing policy that I agree with. Obama has said he would open talks with terrorists etc. Being a vet I whole heartedly agree with McCain. He stated ' What do we have to talk about with them? We have nothing to talk about!' Could'nt agree more! Oh well there is my soap box political moment. I just hope that whoever does win does the best he can for the nation.

cooljess76 08-10-2008 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by gonzeno (Post 188416)
Obama has the youth, McCain has the expierance! I'll take expierance over youth any day! U.S. has had a policy of NEVER negotiating with terrorists, standing policy that I agree with. Obama has said he would open talks with terrorists etc. Being a vet I whole heartedly agree with McCain. He stated ' What do we have to talk about with them? We have nothing to talk about!' Could'nt agree more! Oh well there is my soap box political moment. I just hope that whoever does win does the best he can for the nation.

What exactly does McCain have experience with? I keep hearing them preach this, but personally I think it's just a nicer way for them to say he's looking for elderly voters. So far McCain's campaign has been a repetition of nonsense and childish attacks on his opponent.

As for the comment about talking to terrorists, well it just proves my thoughts of him being stubborn and childish. In this adult world we live in, perhaps it's not such a bad idea to talk things over before making rash decisions and killing thousands of people. He has no concept of today's modern society, he's stuck in the past.

All of his speeches about the environment have been fed to him by his party. When he laughed at Obama for suggesting that people properly inflate their tires, it just showed his ignorance. Of course simply inflating your tires isn't going to solve any problems, but I'm sure that wasn't Obama's complete solution and atleast it's a positive step in the right direction.

And for the references to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, WTF was that all about? Was that supposed to be funny? It wouldn't appear that McCain is trying to win over the younger generation of voters with ignorant and irrelevant insults like that. And you didn't see Obama retaliate by making wise cracks about senior citizens. Obviously he feels threatened by Obama if all he could do is come up with schoolyard slander and ridiculously untrue and exaggerated remarks about his opponent. Simply put, there's no truth coming from McCain's campaign.

It's all lies and garbage, he's running on hope that people will vote for him because they think he's funny and cool. I'm a Veteran as well. I served 10 years in the Navy, all of which were either on a ship or stationed overseas. Everybody in the military today either A) Believes in what they're fighting for, B) Doing it for for the glory, C) College money, or D) Because they can't hack it in the real world and need guidance. To hear a candidate claim that another candidate, a senator at that, is unpatriotic because he didn't wear a stupid little flag pin is absolute BS. McCain was a POW, not a war hero. In fact, he broke the cardinal rule "Avoid capture at all costs". The fact that he spent a few years in a POW camp, is old and stubborn and makes snide remarks about the youth and their use of technology(computers), doesn't qualify him to be the President.

This reminds me of the few times I came home to the states on leave and seen all of the cars with bumper stickers that said "We support our troops". All I could do was laugh. How exactly did this lady in the barney mobile support her troops? Did she bring me a cold bottle of water while I was sweating my ass off in the desert? Did she help carry my buddy back to base after a long night of drinking? No, she spent a dollar and bought a stupid little sticker to mask her guilt so people would think she's a good person for sending her son off to a foreign land to fight for "his country". Unfortunately the tables have turned and we're no longer fighting for "our country", we're fighting someone else's fight and he'll say whatever lies it takes as long as it doesn't interrupt his golf game or get his gator skin boots dirty.

At this point I could care less about the situation in the middle east, our economy or the freakin gas prices. If our economy was where it should be, we could afford 10 bucks a gallon at the pump. Number one priority is so obvious and elementary that even Paris Hilton figured it out. Our environment. T. Boone Pickens has a great energy plan that would not only stimulate our economy, help the environment, but completely eliminate our dependence of foreign oil.

I would like to have both parties sit down and prioritize those three issues in their order of importance. Pulling the troops and closing the deal in the middle east, washing away our need for foreign oil and saving the environment would bring our economy back to the respectable standard it once was. It would also regain the respect for our nation that we lost while our current leader was in la la land. Oil isn't the only thing that killed our economy, but the combination of inappropriate spending on a war that could never be won and America's need to waste energy and shop at WallMart might have a little to do with it.

Sometimes it takes a bigger man to accept things and make appropriate changes. For that reason, I stand behind Barack. Just my take on things, hope no one got offended.[/ENDRANT]:cool:

Mallard 08-10-2008 09:14 PM

is McCain an trigger happy redneck?

and if he is , why do you want another one in the whitehouse again??

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