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tipsyaj 04-09-2003 03:16 AM

I'm aware that TI owners are very proud of their cars, but I experienced something last week that made me reconsider how far some TI owners would go to know who else is driving the same car in their town ...

I'm in school here in Toledo, woke up last week really early one morning and went to get some fresh milk for the Froot Loops ... on my way back from the grocery store I noticed that a BMW was driving behind me. Didn't pay it any attention. Get home and pull the car into the garage. Come out of the garage to breath in some fresh air and notice that the BMW is sitting across the street from me in my neighbor's garage with the driver in the car and the lights turned off, it was still kind of dark, so I couldn't see what kind of bimmer it was. The driver sees that I see him, quickly turns his car on, and jets off really fast down the street. As he's jetting off I notice that the car is a red TI like mine. I was really shocked that someone would follow me home. I mean, what was this guy gonna do ? I kinda freaked out, thought he was going to do something to my car ... I know we all love our cars, but if you ever feel inclined to follow a car cuz you're interested in it ... don't, cuz it really freaks that person out :!:

2ndBimmer 04-09-2003 04:47 AM

A couple weeks ago Im driving in downtown Annapolis showing my cousin (from IL) around. Im right by the harbor and i notice a green Ti, not unlike mine, so I wave to the guy driving. He waves back and doesnt seem to know exactly why Im waving. A few minutes later in the circle infront of the harbor i get a chance to pull up right next to him. I yell to the girl in the passenger seat "Nice Car!" and i then made my right (as he was waiting to go straight) so they could clearly see i was in a Ti. I saw them both smile as i pulled away.

I didnt stalk anyone.

96cali 04-09-2003 05:09 AM

Okay, I have to fess up to these... :oops:

So I buy my 96 Bright Red ti with cali roof and and I looove it. Like IN love with it and want to share the joy right? Keep in mind my previous cars were a 1996 Neon, a 1988 Integra with 182k and no a/c or vent and a 1983 Omni.

I'm driving from lunch one day and see a green ti ahead and quickly pull up along side to see a cute girl behind the wheel. Maybe 19- 20. I smile, she smiles back hesitantly. I point to her car then mine. Her smile turns to intimidation. The light turns and she guns it to get away. Didn't mean to scare her...but I think I did.

Then I go to the dealer and all proud to have a legitimate reason to be there I say proudly "Yeah I just bought this ti with only 45K" and so on, to which the guy says "uh huh. so?" It's then I realize I drive the Escort of bimmers.

I have yet to drive my baby this year (in storage through the never ending winter here) but guess I'll love it again. ;}

tipsyaj 04-09-2003 06:41 PM

I don't think either stories are stalking, just fellow ti drivers saying hi to one another .... this was different. I mean, why would you go to the trouble of parking across the street, especially when the car was in the garage, you couldn't see it anymore unless you got out of the car and walked up to it. The garage's at my apartment don't close, so that was why I was worried ... I mean, was he planning on coming into my garage to take a look at the car ? I guess if that was what he was planning it's not a big deal, I don't know ... It did worry me a little, I'm so protective of this car, for a brief second after I saw him jet off I thought he was going to come and do something to my baby ...

Ay am I paranoid ;}

fourbanger 04-10-2003 09:57 AM

i dunno, i wouldn't call it stalking..

as 'ti's are a real rarity here (6 1.8's, 1 1.8 conversion, about 20 1.6s), whenever i find one i follow em around to figure out what kind of driver they are. unfortunately, most end up being either a) chicks in 316s (not a bad thing really) or b) old guys that crash the hell out of their 316s. Of the few 318ti's here, i personally have met about half of the other owners. thank god all us 318ti's here are enthusiasts (and by that i mean we drive the cars hard and keep em in good shape).

one time a chick in a red 316 like me just sat there smiling, staring and pointing to her friend as I drove by with this big grin on my face. i must say, chicks really must love 316's because about 75% of the ones i run into have women behind the wheel.

anyways, did the guy come back? did he at least peel out and haul major ass when you busted him? why didn't you chase after him? Good Lord, man, get it together!! :lol:

tipsyaj 04-10-2003 08:39 PM

he hauled major ass when I busted him, that's the thing that kind of worried me, if he was an enthusiast all he had to do was drive up and say nice car ... but this guy sped away like he got caught doing something really bad, that was what worried me ... but anyways, nothing's happened to the car, so either he came back and just took a peek, or he got scared and never came back ... I don't know and at this point I really don't care ... I have to laugh at the whole thing ...

And as for gettting in the car and chasing him ... he got away too fast, by the time I would have gotten the car out of the garage, I wouldn't have found him ... but that would have been fun ... I've always wanted to be part of a car chase ....

fourbanger 04-14-2003 03:28 AM

speaking of crazy car chases and all that...

just the other night i was waiting at a light when i see a purple 316i compact drive by with a hot chick in it. So of course I immediately peel out and run the red light and follow her. Because of traffic, she ends up behind me. Next thing I know, she's following me! Anywho, I managed to get behind her again, followed her home and gave her a friendly beep as i drove off.

ooh.. ti love, that would be something wouldn't it?

asianwitattitude 04-14-2003 05:43 AM

lol all you did was give a "friendly honk"? jesus boy get some balls and roll a window down..drop a line..hollaaaaa haha get some digits and call her back in a few days. perhaps some playy

fourbanger 04-17-2003 10:11 AM

bah, that's not my M.O.

ti's have to have more style than that 8-)

no, no.. alas, she lives next to one of my friends.. now isn't that iiiiinteresting.. i could just "happen" to run into her.


drove a 330ci automatic today... i'm definately getting an M3 :P

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