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1996 328ti 08-16-2006 01:12 PM

We have a member who crapped on another board.

Originally Posted by BMWownesZX2
BMW's own your cheap crap escorts. Why do you guys even have an escort? And you guys want to upgrade it at that? Why would you even want to spend money to upgrade an unworthy of a car. Spend money on a kit thats worth more than a car? My BMW will smoke any of your chippy gaycorts. I hope these guys dont come out with a supercharger that way i wont have to see escorts stick around. You want a real car, buy a BMW. BMW = the best, Zx2=cheap crappy cars. Spend the money you guys saved and sell your cars and get a BMW. F*CK escorts.

Now what to do? I don't think it's right for someone to do that since I sure would hate for someone to do it here.

It is only a matter of time until we know who it is.

weezer 08-16-2006 01:18 PM

He/She should learn there are other ways and words to express disrespect or hatred of other makes and models. I say ban for 30 days.

Bluebimma 08-16-2006 01:30 PM

30-day Ban. That is very disrespectful, and shouldnt be tolerated. It gives 318ti.org and BMW in general a bad name on other forums, and i highly doubt we want that. So in all fairness, they need to be banned and have to apologize to the forum.

1996 328ti 08-16-2006 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Bluebimma (Post 84690)
30-day Ban. That is very disrespectful, and shouldnt be tolerated. It gives 318ti.org and BMW in general a bad name on other forums, and i highly doubt we want that. So in all fairness, they need to be banned and have to apologize to the forum.

I like that.
Don't forget to vote.

Bluebimma 08-16-2006 01:33 PM


Don't forget to vote.

Juni 08-16-2006 01:51 PM

As long as online forums are around, so will forum trolls. The definition of a forum troll is someone who goes around to different forums and is amused but starting arguments. Most of what they post are nothing more than blind offensive banter to encourage online disputes. Simply put......they have no lives. I voted 30 day ban, but this will most likely just stir the pot, and add more fuel to the fire of this troll. But discipline has to start somewhere.

Bluebimma 08-16-2006 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Juni (Post 84694)
As long as online forums are around, so will forum trolls. The definition of a forum troll is someone who goes around to different forums and is amused but starting arguments. Most of what they post are nothing more than blind offensive banter to encourage online disputes. Simply put......they have no lives. I voted 30 day ban, but this will most likely just stir the pot, and add more fuel to the fire of this troll. But discipline has to start somewhere.

Juni makes a good point here and i'd like to add that, even if discipline takes place, what stops this person from doing it again on our forum or just getting another SN and causing more trouble? The think the best thing to do is to have them make a formal apology to both boards and be done with it...no need to waste everyones time worrying about if its going to happen again and who's name will get stained in the process.

EDIT: Also, change my vote to ban for life.

DustenT 08-16-2006 02:03 PM

I can understand if it was one crappy post, but this was 5 or 6 VERY VERY offensive and disrespectful posts over the course of SEVERAL hours (3am - 7am). We don't need people like this on our forum.

I vote ban for life.

1996 328ti 08-16-2006 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Bluebimma (Post 84695)
EDIT: Also, change my vote to ban for life.


cali-ti 08-16-2006 02:13 PM

i think it will depend on who it is and whether or not it has been a pattern of abuse from this person. if this is the first time such abusive posts have occurred, then a 30 day ban and required apologies to both boards are in order. only the other hand, if they've done it before, BAN FOR LIFE.

mohaughn 08-16-2006 02:17 PM

I voted 30 days, but I agree with Cali. If it is a situation where this person has caused trouble before it should be a perma-ban. It would be one thing if they just went and did it on their own, but they followed a link from a thread on this forum, and both threads had to do with what could be a great product for both makes of cars.

DustenT 08-16-2006 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by mohaughn (Post 84700)
but they followed a link from a thread on this forum, and both threads had to do with what could be a great product for both makes of cars.

^^^ Another good point ^^^

It's not only offensive to the 2 forums, but also to a potential vendor. Let's try to keep the relationship between zx2, 318ti and SEAM on good terms, for everyone's benefit.

Tyler 08-16-2006 03:17 PM

I say ban for life,we don't need people like this on the forum,it will only lead to bad things and i can see multiple people getting a timeout on this.

96cali 08-16-2006 04:50 PM

voted ban for life. No loss to me or this board IMO.

aparatchik 08-16-2006 05:05 PM

Voted 30 days, but only on the premise that this is a first offense. I don't have extremely high hopes that it would make much of a difference, but I'm willing to give whoever it was the benefit of the doubt. Happens again? Drop 'm like a flamin' turd!

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