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wolferj-RIP 12-15-2011 06:45 AM

Free Medical Pot!!!
I have posted before about Free Food and Free parts, but this one takes the prize;


I think the last line says it all...


ORANGEVALE (CBS) – A Northern California medical marijuana dispensary is going out of business so it’s planning a huge TGIF party — complete with free pot.

The Orangevale dispensary Magnolia Wellness is giving away free marijuana on Friday before it closes its doors indefinitely.

With pressure from the county and federal officials and looming lawsuits, dispensary owners said they’re closing to focus all their attention on the larger medical marijuana fight. And since all this pot has to go somewhere, why not to their 40,000 customers who’ll soon be displaced?

“Everyone who walks through the door, we’re giving them a chance to win free meds,” Steven Lee of Magnolia Wellness said Tuesday.

And they’re doing it with holiday cheer, hosting a party and toy drive to boot. And the plan is not lacking for attention.

“I saw it in the paper this morning,” one woman said. “I mean, if you’re wanting stuff, it’s a good price.”

“I thought they were kidding about that at work,” one man said. “It’s California.”

But it’s no joke. The dispensary is dead serious about only giving marijuana to medical marijuana card holders. And they said customers will have to take their pot to go.

“This party was meant to be in a time patients are facing persecution,” Lee said. “This party was meant to be a happy time.”

teetime4one 12-15-2011 01:50 PM

ugh, this whole MMJ stuff is craziness.
i know several "Regular Joe's" who have their MMJ cards in order to buy and smoke weed whenever they want. these people are scamming the system and it doesn't even faze them. that's why i think the whole business is a farce and will peter-out eventually.
California is experiencing that right now.

3ONE8 12-15-2011 08:19 PM

Its not a scam and its not a farce.
Its our god given right to consume whatever we want and accept the consequences good or bad, its our choice.
We don't throw people in jail for drinking Motor oil yet its Obviously lethal and toxic.
who are you or me to say that a person cant smoke MJ for things like migraines, headaches, nausea ect. are you a doctor?
just because a toke of some MJ doesn't do anything for you it doesn't mean the next person is subject to the same.
All of our physiology are different, and if a toke toke can help with depression, anxiety (which are medical conditions) why would we deny that to a person simply because our beliefs don't approve of it.
MJ has been around for thousands of years, if you would pick up a book you would see that this prohibition is a violation of our first amendment and a counteractive movement that oppresses our civil rights.

P.s I dont smoke:wink:

rochey6957 12-15-2011 09:09 PM

ya... the boys in blue are probably reading this ad in the newspaper and are planning the raid right now..

tiFreak 12-16-2011 12:57 AM

I sense a political discussion coming on :nervous:

teetime4one 12-16-2011 01:49 AM

i don't care either way.
i think it does help some...and i think a sh!t ton of idiots are jumping on the "lets get stoned legally" bandwagon....
i'm to fuggin' stupid to know how it all works. and to be honest with ya...i don't give a rats ass. i think it should be legal across the board...why not?
i attended college under a Hoticulture major...i know how to grow anything green...i specialize in golf turf management...but if i know anything, it's GRASS!
i smoked the ganja for a good part of my teens and turned into a mush mouthed moron...so i see how it effects the "normal joe" who slacks at work and looks to me to pull his weight.
there is good in MMJ...but, the people who benifit from it are going to loose their privileges do to these clowns who don't need it but found a legal loophole to obtain it.

elchicano 12-16-2011 05:06 AM

Medical marijuana does have its benefits especially since other drugs are so addictive. There will always be people who ruin it for those who truly need it. The only thing i would like to see is more restrictions on who gets the medical licenses. There are too many people who are using the medical licenses for entertainment instead of a medical uses.

3ONE8 12-16-2011 05:16 AM

Hmm it sounds like you and miss marijane used to have a thing?hmm.hmmm.Lol

Idk I guess im more outspoken when it comes to our civil rights. I mean big brother has tried this before with the alcohol prohibition and it failed miserably.its also bred some shady characters that supplied the blackmarket much like the ones we have today supplying americans with pot.

What happens when you legalize?
you neutralize.
Pot becomes a consumer product and suddenly the cartels find themselves competing with a commerce based Market, they loose and file bankruptcy!
weed is taxed and produces major influx into the economy, while simoultaniously advancing in the medical field.

Its like Dead Prez said " I just wanna be free to live my life, to live my only life"

teetime4one 12-16-2011 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by elchicano (Post 315654)
Medical marijuana does have its benefits especially since other drugs are so addictive. There will always be people who ruin it for those who truly need it. The only thing i would like to see is more restrictions on who gets the medical licenses. There are too many people who are using the medical licenses for entertainment instead of a medical uses.

my point exactly Dave.
a fine educated explanation by my boy...you're the man!

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