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Tyler 04-24-2006 07:32 PM

Work sucks
I'm getting so frustrated at work latley and today just pushed me over the top. I'm seriously thinking about quitting soon,selling my car and packing my bags and move to HI for 6 months or so and do construction with my brother. I need a change of scenary/people/everything. All i've thought about since like 9am is how much i'm hating my job more & more and the people i work with and need a serious change in my life. For a couple months now i was thinking about going out to HI for 3 months and doing some constuction and just thinking about where i am heading. I'm so sick & tired of coming in every morning to an office and doing all my work for the day in 3 hours and then just go nuts for the next 5. All this time to day dream and all i can think about is moving out there seeing my bro for the 1st time in 5+ years and working with my family and enjoy myself. The only thing holding me back is my friends,all my friends are like family to me they are all my brothers. I'd love to keep my car but if i did decide this i couldn't leave my car at home for 3-6 months it would rust up so quicky(salt air kills my car when sitting). Anyway i am just typing this cause i'm aggrivated and well have been putting some serious thought to the above.

durnadupa 04-24-2006 07:47 PM

Man, I know where you're coming from with the hating of your job. I used to work for a phone company selling cell phones, and absolutely despised being there. There would be times when noone would come in the store for about 5hours straight, this leads to extreme boredom.

Then I changed to working at a liquor store, which may have been an even worse idea than the cell phone company. It was boring and empty, except for the weekends of course. Pay wasn't even great.

However I found a job I enjoy, bartending. There are nights that I make over $200 and that makes all the work worthwhile, and plus it is good fun.

I say you should move out to HI for a while, enjoy yourself. If you hate your job, get out quick.

aceyx 04-24-2006 08:25 PM

If the only reason you're sticking around is because of you're friends, go.
They'll understand, and they'll be there when you get back.

DustenT 04-24-2006 08:43 PM


Go before it's too late. Leave now.

KetteringTi 04-24-2006 08:53 PM

I was in the same type of situation except with school. I was at a school that I hated, in a city that I hated, working a co-op job that I hated. They kinda did me a favor, actually. My work was reflecting my attitude, as I got more and more perturbed and dissatisfied, my quality of work went down. So they fired me! And at the time I was super upset about it, but it was really for the best. Only thing that was keeping me from leaving was my great friends. Now I'm heading down a path that I think will be much better suited for me. If I would have hung around too long I would be in an insurmountable amount of debt and would have wasted more precious years.

I'd say get out of that while you can. You'll thank yourself later.

KetteringTi 04-24-2006 08:54 PM

And whenever I come back, my friends are overjoyed to see me. They understand why I left and support me. They don't hold it against me, and I'm sure your friends won't either.

evalha007 04-24-2006 08:58 PM

Just say F-it and go to HI for 6-12 months

Tyler 04-24-2006 09:02 PM

Well when i get home i'm going to sip on this http://www.audioholics.com/news/indu...amsUtopias.htm and start thinking hard about my decision.

DustenT 04-24-2006 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by Tyler
Well when i get home i'm going to sip on this http://www.audioholics.com/news/indu...amsUtopias.htm and start thinking hard about my decision.

Just do it, you won't regret it. Don't worry about your friends, good friends will come visit and if you're only going for a year or less it's not a big deal, they'll still be doing the same thing they are now.

Tyler 04-24-2006 09:14 PM

If i do decide to leave it won't be untill june. I have to talk to my cousins husband to see if he has an opening at his construction company or if he can make one. The reason why i'd be leaving in june and not sooner is cause i'm a big time pearl jam fan and i have tickets for there show at the end of may in boston. No good bands ever go out there so i got to see them 1 more time.

J!m 04-24-2006 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Tyler
Well when i get home i'm going to sip on this http://www.audioholics.com/news/indu...amsUtopias.htm and start thinking hard about my decision.

It sounds good since the flavor profile is not overly sweat...:rolleyes:

HuGo 04-24-2006 11:27 PM

ill buy ur engine if u decide to leave?

1996 328ti 04-25-2006 12:44 AM

Work gets to me during the winter months.
It was really getting to me a few weeks ago to.
There have been times my wife and I just want to pack up everything including the dogs and just go somewhere. Problem is, we don't know where to go.

I think what was also bugging me was that I wanted to do a driving school in June that I just don't have the money for. It was actually making be depressed. Then I decided, WTF. It's only money. My productivity picked up and now I am looking forward to the school and don't even mind work.

All I am saying is you need to focus on something you really like.
Work to live, not live to work.

DustenT 04-25-2006 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by 1996 328ti
All I am saying is you need to focus on something you really like.
Work to live, not live to work.

I completely agree. Do whatever it takes to make yourself happy (within reason).

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