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gitthatcrew 12-13-2009 08:07 PM

thule roof rack question
i know the front ends are the same but is the roof setup different from the ti and the sedan, because i've got a good deal on a roof rack from a sedan wondering if the roofs are the same, its a gutter style rack too.

WashDC318ti 12-14-2009 07:46 PM

For what it's worth, I think the BMW factory roof rack is great. I got it for a steal from getbmwparts.com, and frankly I think it looks a lot classier than Thule.

gitthatcrew 12-14-2009 08:26 PM

Ya well I was going to get it for 50 bucks haha, but im going to look into the bmw ones I needa carry my trick and lowrider bike around.

WashDC318ti 12-16-2009 07:08 PM

From the accusatory tone of your post, responding to someone you've never interacted with previously, I will assume that you are either a) being defensive or b) a d-bag. If it is the former, I will agree with you that Thule and Yakima do make good sport specific carriers which BMW doesn't have. If it is the latter, I will assure you that I am more than a simple enthusiast and, in fact, a serious competitive rower. I regularly roof my boat to races and have never had any problems. I certainly didn't buy my rack TO look classy, nor do own a Walmart bike.

And by the way, wouldn't it be more poseur to buy a Thule/Yakima rack if it, as you say, conveys the image of a true enthusiast?

CirrusSR22 12-16-2009 07:48 PM

I own a factory BMW roof rack and I don't know how it could be any more stong, solid or secure. From what I've read it's cheaper than the Thule. Accesories are more expensive than Thule but I only need it to carry a ski/cargo box.

CirrusSR22 12-16-2009 08:09 PM

By looking at the Thule foot and "Rapid Aero" bar design, I'd almost guarantee the BMW rack is made by Thule as I've read all over the internet. I thought it was a well established fact that the BMW system is made by Thule?

As for the "silver aluminized hardware store finish of the load bars?". It's not a finish, it's aluminum piece. Exactly as the Thule "Rapid Aero" bars. Same channel on top for accesories, same rubber piece that clips into the channel when not used.

WashDC318ti 12-16-2009 08:29 PM

What if I said, "The BMW 318ti is great and, frankly, looks classier than a Subaru." Would this statement be biased or untrue because I own a 318ti?

Look, it doesn't bother me that you prefer your rack to the factory rack. What does bother me is the way you suggested I bought my rack to pose with it. I would gladly tell you how much my racing shell cost, or cite all the big races I've competed in, but it doesn't matter. What does matter is that I am happy with my rack, and confident in its ability to transport things. Period.

WashDC318ti 12-16-2009 09:35 PM

Yeah man, my bad too. I know exactly the type of person you're describing and it is precisely because of them that I'm a little sensitive about the subject. And you're right, 'classy' is not the right word to describe a roof rack. Is "veeDUB" referencing that trend from a few years ago where you'd get like an LL Bean mountain bike or something when you bought a new Jetta?

Good luck with the motor swap, wish I could afford that.

gitthatcrew 12-17-2009 06:16 AM

Well aside from all the drama about which rack is better I just wanted to see if that one I found would fit because I am active and like to carry my bike with me and my project bikes as well, so on that note what's the part number on the bmw one.

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