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Old 05-21-2008, 07:23 AM   #1
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Default My ex-Girlfriend and my ti

I had been going out with a girl since November, and we've had our share of problems -- for example, not long ago she got so drunk she passed out on my couch. What's the big deal you ask? Well she also pissed herself that night. I then layed in it the next day before I realized what happened.

When I told her I was looking at buying my ti she said "I don't do BMW's or Mercedes". At first I just took that as a joke... but after thinking about it for a while I texted her back and said "were you serious about BMW's?

Her answer was yes. She told me that BMW's were driven by "douchbags" and "status seekers" and she refused to drive, ride, or even sit in my new car. I was flabergasted. Honestly this was one of the final straws in our relationship. She claimed the fact that my new car had 150k miles was proof I was only buying the car for show, not because I thought it was a good car.

I told her I just love cars, and had always loved the ti. It wasn't about status for me, I just wanted a cool car that drove as well as it looked. This didn't matter. So I dumped her. Granted there were things that happened in the interum, but still -- what the FUC#?

Has anyone else had a similar experience?
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