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Old 05-26-2011, 12:40 AM   #14
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Disconnected the battery and re-connected it after about 10ish minutes... No luck for me though I wasn't expecting anything to happen anyways haha

I haven't even thought about jumping my car. I should try that; that is, if I have some jumper cables xP

And you're right, I remember a technician told me that clicking meant (usually) a weakish battery.

I don't get any clicking either, and no dimming of lights either. I put my head lights on, my blower motor, and my radio, and then attempted to start the motor. Did not hear the starter motor budge! The headlights did not dim, nor did I notice any changes of the radio/interiorlights/blower fan.

I know this is the 100th time Im saying this... but I am DEFINITELY without a doubt getting my brother's credit card and buying myself a batterycharger/voltmeter tomorrow... or else I'll kill myself lol >_<

But the more we talk about this problem, the more I think that either the charging system is the issue, OR we may have bad/rusty/corroded electrical connections. Did you try inspecting any of the wire-to-chassis connections?

I inspected the wire that goes from the negative terminal straight to the chassis. The wire looked in good condition and the connection was tight/clean. But perhaps I have a bad connection to the motor or something (or anywhere deep within the depths of the car...) Maybe try looking at that?

And quick question, what kind of charger do you have (and price)? And how long are you charging the battery for?
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