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Old 11-19-2013, 07:50 PM   #4
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Clarification may be needed here

My post was aimed at those that simply do not know better or just do not care but we all pay for this one way or another.

I have a special thought for the stance car with his buddy and their girlfriends running around at speed not even realizing the added weigh effect, which is huge.

Unfortunately few understand the basic concepts, if we start talking about motion ratios, frequency, actual aerodynamics, we are getting way over most everyone's heads.

We also have center of gravity, weight distribution, easier to understand but seldom considered.

I love lowered cars so make them as low as I can go and still have proper geometry which just part of the equation of setting up a care properly.

Simple physics, go past a certain point the roll center changes dramatically and causes far to much weight transfer to the outside tires, it does so very rapidly, easily, etc...and thus less overall grip.

I have read all the great books and tested this personally and found with just a tad more height I could make a huge improvement, when going by real measurements of all the critical issues.

A car to low for proper geometry will loose grip.

Springs to stiff or to soft will loose grip unless on a glass smooth surface.

Dampers to stiff or to soft can be an issue as well. Sway bars are the last thing to use for tuning, to much, to little, loose grip.

Skinny tires overly stretched, loose grip compared to more contact patch and easily ripped off the rim, really loosing grip.

Too much power, loose grip as well.

Do all the above and then add a bunch of power, a disaster waiting to happen.

The main focus of my comments are the "stance" cars with little regard for anything but looks. If you want to be fast you put looks where it belongs, lower in priority, you can have both but not to the extreme I often see.

Build a car to maximize the handling for all the uses it will need it for and then go have some fun, it that means creeping along over every little bump, driveway, etc and parking it to be seen, cool, just do not pretend you are fast and drive it like that and end up hurting others doing so.

I have seen far more issues with stance car drivers than any others and we all pay for their behavior in higher insurance rates, costlier tickets, more rules(more limitations, etc)

If you really want to have it all then then learn how to setup a car properly, make it adjustable easily, set it for the type of events you are going to do and then drive it accordingly, I have done that for decades, still do


Last edited by raamaudio; 11-19-2013 at 07:57 PM.
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